What are some of the myths that are perpetuated about luxury London escorts – that are simply not true? Here are some of the misconceptions that get passed around when it comes to luxury escorts:
They Just Do it For the Money
While London escorts do make money at their job, it would be false to say that they only work for this reason. Many escorts are very passionate about their job and they get pleasure out of spending time with their clients. Kensington escorts enjoy the nightlife and the luxurious experiences and they like getting to know their clients and sharing conversation with them.
Having Sex With an Escort is “Wrong”
Who is to say that experiencing an erotic encounter with Kensington escorts is wrong? There is a lot of shame about sexuality in our culture, but there is no need to internalise this shame. In fact, in many periods throughout history courtesans have been celebrated and held in high important status in society. A high class escort is an independent professional woman and as long as you treat her as an equal and show her respect.
Escorts Will Do Anything
Not necessarily. While an escort is likely to be open-minded to most sexual practices – she will say no to some – especially if they make her uncomfortable or they are unsafe. Make sure that you respect this decision – as she has the right to veto anything that puts her in danger (like sex without a condom, for example).
These are just a few of the myths about luxury London escorts – and the real truths behind them!